Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm too sexy for my hairnet?

Hey everyone! It's been a LONNNNNNNG day. Yesterday we met with Dr. Crump, the surgeon. He let us know that in Eyleen's case it's better for her to start with chemo and then after 4-6 months of treatments he'll do the mastectomy in the summer. Today she had to go get the chemo port put in so they can start her treatments next week. I made her take a picture in her LOVELY outfit above while we waited. :)
The procedure went well and now she's zonked out on Lortabs on the couch. She's doing really good even if she's in pain from today.
She's outta work tomorrow, which she needs. The port has to heal so they can start chemo next week. Friday she has an appointment with the oncologist and they're gonna do a PET scan to make sure the rest of her body is all clear and then we'll FINALLY know what's exactly going on with the cancer.
We love you guys.


  1. SO glad she's zonked out. And glad she's off tomorrow. Hopefully she can stay zonked out for a few days. Give my love to her and a big hug to you. Love you both.

  2. That pic is the sexiest thing EVER!! LOL

    Glad it went well, and tell her not to do too much...take it easy. Love both of you guys
